Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The World is Ending and It's All Global Warmings' Fault

Holy crap I haven't updated in like FOREVER, but here it goes.
The Warriors are not going to make it to the Playoffs.
Psh, WHATEVS. There's always next year.
Baseball season officially starts tomorrow so I apologize in advance if I spend a *little* too much time discussing baseball.
I swear to God I think the world is ending. And it's all global warming's fault. Global Warming is jacking up the weather. First there was the earthquake/tsunami in Japan, then in California we get floodings and tornado warnings, and now it's fucking HOT.
Seriously what's up with this?
Speaking of things that don't make any sense: OMFG, Steph, FRIDAY!
I saw that like last week and I was like "Holy shit is this a joke?"
Unfortunately it's not. She was on Good Morning America and was all "Haters don't phase me, they just make me stronger" which reminds me I hate it when people say "haters"
Anyway. When she was like "I got this you got this my friend is to my right AYY." WOW. She totally just dissed the girl to the left, like really? Some friend you are. Yeah, my friend's over here, I don't know who that bitch is, she's just in the car. And seriously? When she has her little "dilemma" and starts fathoming which seat to sit in? The front seat or the back? Gee, I don't know Rebecca, let's think about it. Since there's no available seat in the front, and one, clearly open, seat in the back, "Kickin' in the back seat" would be the smart way to go. Are you stupid?
Yesterday was Thursday, today it is Friday. We so excited.
Really. It was Thursday before it was Friday?
We so excited- nice grammar.
And then that girl in the back of the car, her friend to the right, what was up with her dancing? She looked like she was playing an invisible accordion.

Okay, enough of Friday. This girl does not deserve the time of day. I think she's literally cursed me for life. Now every Thursday night I'm going to have nightmares because I know that she's coming.
Sorry, I'm going to bring up baseball again because I just found out that BRANDON BELT made the Opening Day roster! He's gonna be at first base which actually concerns me because where is Aubrey Huff going? Hopefully he'll be in left field... But then where will Cody Ross be? Damn it Belt, you're screwing up my dream line-up.
GAH 21 hours until Opening Day (:
my home away from home :')
For Opening Day my friend and I made cupcakes, and we're going to eat them while we watch the game tomorrow :) So excited! My baby's pitching against the LA Douchers. 
our cupcakes <3
and my baby <3 well, they're both my babies, but I'm talking about the guy with his hands in his pants. oh great, now I have dirty thoughts go away go away, why am I such a pervert?
You know I realized just yesterday who my favorite Disney princess is. It's Belle from Beauty and the Beast. I mean, she's a loner and kind of awkward, but she doesn't mind, she's comfortable with herself. She wasn't desperate to fit in. She wasn't motivated by love. Even when she began to fall in love with the Beast and she found out her dad was sick she was all "Iight Beast, I'm feeling you, but my dad is like dying in the woods so I should probably go." And then when Gaston went to kill the beast she broke the FUCK out of that cellar and went to protect her boyfriend. And let's not neglect to mention that her boyfriend was an 8-foot Chewbacca-buffalo hybrid. She saw him for what was on the inside. Seriously, Belle is like the coolest princess ever. And she wasn't even a princess. Or maybe she was. I don't remember.

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