Saturday, February 27, 2010

Cosy Place Wangsa Maju

I just have to blog about this since it was my 1st time having a really big feast at a restaurant. Me and family wanted to celebrate my dad's birthday, and i feel like wanting to try a new place. My friend recommended me the restaurant Cosy Place and asked me to give it a try. Before i usually dine in San Fransisco Pizza at the front of where this Restaurant is located.

the restaurant has a very nice interior design n it does suit the name Cosy place.
suitable if u wanna make birthday celebrations or even having a romantic dinner.

whenever Im in a new place, the 1st thing i'll usually order is a lamb chop. it doesnt mean anything, its just that i love lamb chop very much that i must try it in any new places i go..this one turned up nice, even better than the one in San Fransisco Pizza that i often go..good job my friend for recommending me to this place..heh

now the interesting part, my mom have always wanted to try a Lobster dish before, thanks to AFC channel who poison her too much on those kind of
so coincidentally, this shop have a lobster dish in their menu, stating RM18 per mom, being excited, straight away ordered it, TWO of them!
now, like most seafood restaurants, usually when we order something that the price have something to do with per grams or per kilograms, we would be given an option on the size of the meat we want. But the waiter here didnt tell us anything about it, took our order n went into the kitchen. "take it n go"

then the lobster came..

HOLY~ that's one friggin' big..shrimp! i asked the waiter how heavy is this?
he said, "aaa..dunno"
anyway it was quite was our 1st time after all..really deserve the title of King of
i somehow regretted i didn't bring my camera today, didn't expect that we would have something as cool as this tonight..haha


several minutes later, the chef came out to greet us, explaining some stuff about lobsters and ask for our feedbacks on the dishes(??)..i was like "Ooook~ mmm suspicious"
then few minutes later, the waiter served each of us sorbets, informing us that it was the chef's treat..again i was like, "Seriously??...Ooook~"

so now, after being impressed with the restaurant's superb hospitality, we asked for the bill..eventually, it was revealed that each of the lobsters weighted 1kg, making the total bill of our dinner close to RM500..muahaha
no wonder they served us very good, we were their biggest customer that night!! hahaha~
oh well it was a great night, we really laughed ourselves
anyway the food were delicious...we wont mind for another visit again later on.
lastly, Happy Birthday! Dad! LOL :P

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